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Irregular Verbs (first 15)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My dog _____ me last month. She didn't ____ me today.
bit / bite
____ / brought / brought / ______
Bring / brought / brought / traer
Be / _________ / ________ / ser o estar
Be / Was and Were / been / ser o estar
_____ / built / ______ / construir
Build / built / built / construir
blow / _____ / _______ / Soplar
Blow / blew / blown / suplar
she _____ the ball last week, but he can't _____ the ball today.
caught / catch
can / _______ / been able to / ______
can / could / been able to / poder o saber hacer algo
Yesterday, I went to the store and ______ a tablet. Today I want to ______ a charger.
Bought / buy
Burn / ____________ / _____________ / quemar
Burn / Burnt (Burned) / Burnt (burned) / quemar
What did he build? He ________ a car.
Did she _______ her snack today? Yes she brought it!
break / _______ / ______ / romper
Break / broke / broken / romper
Do you _______ on your soup to cool it down?
Yesterday I cut myself and I ______. Today, I am not bleeding.
_____ / bit / ______ / morder o picar
bite / bit / bitten / morder o picar
bend / _____ / ______ / doblar
bend / bent / bent / doblar
We begin the class with "Hello" everyday, but yesterday we _________ the class with a song.
_______ / Became / _______ / convertirse
Become / Became / Become / convertirse
Beat / ____ / Beaten / golpear
Beat / beat / beaten / golpear
Yesterday, Susie _____ sad, but today she is happy.