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Cambridge KET A2 Speaking Questions

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Please tell me something about a family member’s job that you think is interesting.
How often do you use a computer? What for?
Where would you like to live in the future?
What do you want to do when you finish school?
Please tell me something about your plans for the weekend.
What is your favourite hobby?  How often do you do it?
What after-school activities do you do after school?
Please tell me something about your favourite room in your home.
Have you got any pets?
How long have you lived in your home?
Who do you live with?
Please tell me something about your future plans.
How can foreign languages help you?
Do you enjoy studying languages?
What languages do you study at school?
Please tell me something about your favourite place to go at the weekend.
What is interesting about your home town?
Which country would you like to visit?
Where did you go on your last holiday?
Please tell me about something you like doing with your friends.
Describe one of your family members.
Have you got other family members living near you?
Who lives with you in your house?
Please tell me something about your last holiday.
What is your favourite way to travel?
How do you usually travel to school?
Is there a bus stop near where you live?
Please tell me something about a typical evening after school.
What is your favourite breakfast?
Do you do the same things every morning?
What did you do this morning before you left home?
Please tell me something about your typical weekend.
What is your favourite time of the year?
Where did you go on your best holiday?
Who do you like going on holiday with?
Please tell me something about your after-school activities.
What clothes do you wear to school?
Do you like your subjects?
What subjects do you study at school?
Please tell me something about your favourite day of the year.
What do you like doing on your birthday?
What presents did you get on your last birthday?
When is your birthday?
Please tell me something about homework you have to do.
What other subjects do you study?
Do you study English at school?
What do you study?