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Compound Sentences

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Would you rather have a pet snake? Would you rather have a pet iguana? (or / but)
Would you rather have a pet snake or would you rather have a pet iguana?
She wants to have a pet elephant. Her parents don't allow. (and / but)
She wants to have a pet elephant but her parents don't allow.
He tried to catch the ball. He missed it. (but / or)
He tried to catch the ball but he missed it.
Are we having tacos? Are we having rice for dinner? (and / or)
Are we having tacos or rice for dinner?
For breakfast, we can make pancakes. We can make waffles. (but / or)
For breakfast, we can make pancakes or we can make waffles.
Do you want to play cards? Do you prefer a board game? (or /  but)
Do you want to play cards or do you prefer a board game?
Alicia would like to go skiing. She is afraid of falling. (and / but)
Alicia would like to go skiing but she is afraid of falling.
They wash their hands often. They do not get sick. ( but  / and)
They wash their hands often and they do not get sick.
He read this paragraph three times. He did not understand the meaning. (but /  and)
He read this paragraph three times and he did not understand the meaning.
Do you want your hair up in a bun? Do you prefer a French braid? (and / or)
Do you want your hair up in a bun or do you prefer a French braid?
He wanted to ride his bicycle to school. He did not have a lock. (but / and)
He wanted to ride his bicycle to school but he did not have a lock.