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Everybody Up 4 Unit 2 review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How long is the Goliath beetle? (10 centimeters)
It is 10 centimeters long.
How long is the spider crab? (3.8 meters)
It is 3.8 meters long.
How much does the spider crab weigh? (19 kilograms)
It weighs 19 kilograms.
How much does the giant Pacific octopus weigh? (50 kilograms)
It weighs 50 kilograms.
How long is the Komodo dragon? (3 meters)
It is 3 meters long.
How long is the giant Pacfic octopus? (5 meters)
It is 5 meters long.
How much does the Komodo dragon weigh? (150 kilograms)
It weighs 150 kilograms.
Is the squid as long as the eel?
Yes, it is.
Is the dolphin as long as the whale?
No, it is shorter.
Is the school bus as long as the whale?
No, it is shorter.
Is green squid as long as the man?
Yes, it is.
Is the orange eel as long as the yellow eel?
No, it is shorter.
Is the baby seahorse as long as the grown up seahorses?
No, it is shorter.
Is the boy as long as the shark?
No, he is shorter.
Which one is the biggest?
The caterpillar is the biggest.
Which one is the smallest? (hippopotamus, bird, panda)
The bird is the smallest.
Which one is the biggest? (bee, cat, hippopotamus)
The hippopotamus is the biggest.
Which one is bigger, the dog or the butterfly?
The dog is bigger than the butterfly.
Which one is smaller, the spider or the fly?
The fly is smaller than the spider.
Which one is the biggest?
The dragonfly is the biggest.
Which one is the smallest?
The spider is the smallest.
Which one is the smallest?
The ant is the smallest.
Which one is bigger, the panda or the man?
The man is bigger than the panda.
Which bird is the biggest?
The white duck is the biggest.
Which one is faster, the small dog or the big dog?
The small dog is faster than the big dog.
Which one is the smallest?
The person is the smallest.
Which one is the biggest?
The dog is the biggest.