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Verb Tenses Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She ___ ______ lots of photos (take)
has taken
They ________ currently doing their homework.
They _______ all of the candy yesterday.
ate, took, opened, etc....
She ______ sleeping at the moment. Can you call back later?
I ______ swimming in the park yesterday. (am or was)
She studies Japanese. (Present Continuous Tense)
She is studying Japanese.
I walked. I fell. (Past Continuous Tense)
I fell while/when I was walking.
I no longer study the piano. (Past Simple Tense)
I used to study the piano. OR I studied the piano when I was younger.
The _____ _____ Tense is used to speak about daily habits.
Present Simple
Say a general truth.
Must be in the present simple tense.
I study French. I started in 2015. (Present Perfect)
I have studied French since 2015.
The Present _______ Tense talks about activities that started in the past and are still affecting the present.
The ________ Continuous Tense is used to talk about things that were occurring over a period of time prior to now.
The Present _________ Tense is used to speak about activities that are in progress now.
The ______ Simple is used to speak about general truths
The _____ Simple Tense is used to refer to actions that were completed in a time period before the present time