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Grammar Practice: Possessive 'S / S'

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Whose is this? It's ___ .
Rachel's pen
Rachel pen
pen's Rachels
aun no entiendo nada!!!
They are the ____ .
children's bikes
childrens' bikes
bikes of children
bike's children
My parents are doctors. These are my ____ .
parents' jackets
jacket's parents
jackets of parents
parent's jackets
Fido likes tennis balls. It's ___ .
Fido's ball
ball of Fido
Fido of ball
dog ball
The ____ is happy.
end of the movie
movie's end
end's movie
movie ends
12 The........................... are dangerous.
tiger's eyes
tiger eyes
tiger' eyes
___ is yellow.
Emma's dress
Emma dress
Emmas dress
dress's Emma
____ is red.
Spiderman's head
Spiderman head
Spidermen head
Head's Spiderman
The ___ is Bubu.
cat's name
cats name
cat' names
name's cat
They are ___ .
children's blocks
children blocks
children' blocks
block's children
He is ___ .
my parents' friend
my parents friend
my parents's friend
my friends' parents
These are ___ .
people's hands
peoples hands
peoples hand's
hand's people
My brother has a sandwich. It's ___ .
my brother's sandwich
my brothers sandwich
sandwich my brother
a brother sandwich
The girl has a calculator. It's ___ .
the girl's calculator
the girl calculator
the girls calculator
a girl calculator
Peter has a bike. It's __ .
Peter's bike
Peter bike
Peter bikes
bike's Peter