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Go Green!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My cousin eats a lot of processed food. Give him an advice.
Example: You should eat sustainable food.
What should I do with old books?
You should donate or recycle the paper.
I have a _________ in my apartment.
herb garden
Is this good for the environment? If not, what should he do to change it?
No, it's not. He should use computers to reduce the use of paper.
If you live near your school, what should you do?
You should walk or bike to school.
What can we do to reduce water pollution?
Example: We shouldn't throw waste on the rivers or lakes.
Explain deforestation.
When a large area of trees is cleared.
What should I do to reduce water waste?
Example: You should take shorter showers.
When your parents go to the supermarket, the groceries are packed in plastic bags. Give the an advice to change this behavior.
You should use reusable bags.
If you live on the 2nd floor of a building, you should always...
take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Is this correct? Why or why not?
It is incorrect because you should throw trash in the right bin.
Convert this sentence into negative: He should throw trash on the streets.
He shouldn't throw trash on the streets.
Convert this sentence into interrogative: I should reuse water bottles.
Should I reuse water bottles.
What is the name of this environmental problem?
Give an example of reusing something.
Example: Reuse plastic bags as trash bags.
Explain the green action Recycling.
It is transforming old products into new ones.
In the cities there aren't wild animals. What is the name of this environmental problem?
Biodiversity loss.
Give an example of something we can do to REDUCE waste.
Personal answer.
Johnathan is playing games in his computer while the TV and his bathroom light are on. Give him an advice to save electricity.
Must use "should" or "shouldn't".
Mention something you do to help the environment.
Personal answer.