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Pía Natalia Del Cid Silva

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Seeds: A flowering plant's unit of reproduction, capable of developing into another such plant.
Noun. Then spit the seeds out.
Area: Bounded surface, which is distinguished from what surrounds it.
Noun. I was in the area.
Wildlife: Wild animals collectively; the native fauna (and sometimes flora) of a region.
Noun. You can watch the wildlife.
Till: Up to (the point in time or the event mentioned); until.
Preposition. Wait till I show you.
Tame: Resolve or reach an agreement about (an argument or problem).
Verb. He's a tame one now.
Settle: Resolve or reach an agreement about (an argument or problem).
Verb. I began to settle down.
Root: The part of a plant which attaches it to the ground or to a support, typically underground, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant via numerous branches and fibers.
Noun. The Root of the Evil.
Plow: A large farming implement with one or more blades fixed in a frame, drawn by a tractor or by animals and used for cutting furrows in the soil and turning it over, especially to prepare for the planting of seeds.
Noun. Can’t sell a hand plow any more.
Nomadic: Living the life of a nomad; wandering.
Adjective. They are nomadic in nature.
Nomad: A member of a people having no permanent abode, and who travel from place to place to find fresh pasture for their livestock.
Noun. This is the Nomad.
Hunter-gatherer: A member of a nomadic people who live chiefly by hunting and fishing and harvesting wild food.
Noun. Contrast this with our hunter-gatherer ancestors who had few.
Hunt: Pursue and kill (a wild animal) for sport or food.
Verb. I have to hunt soon.
Gather: Come together; assemble or accumulate.
Verb. We gather a lot of.
Forage: (of a person or animal) search widely for food or provisions.
Verb. We were stranded on our hike and had to forage for food in the mountains in order to survive.
Field: An area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture, typically bounded by hedges or fences.
Noun. And the lilies in the field.
Exploit: Make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).
Verb. Exploit their poor ability to.
Domesticate: Tame (an animal) and keep it as a pet or for farm produce.
Verb. Horse domesticate in the Steppes.
Dig: Break up and move earth with a tool or machine, or with hands, paws, snout, etc.
Verb. It'll take too long to dig deep enough like that.
Cultivate: Prepare and use (land) for crops or gardening.
Noun. One should not cultivate a garden of resentments and vexations.
Berry: Small roundish juicy fruit without a stone
Noun. He is full for a long time and tastes delicious berry.