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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 5 television programs
Name 4 famous singers.
Name 4 things you can write with.
Name 6 things you see in the classroom.
Name 5 sports.
Name 4 things that use electricity.
Name 5 departaments of Honduras.
Name 4 animals beginning with C
cat, camel, caiman, canary, cheetah...
Name 5 accessories
sunglasses, watch, bracelet, necklace, ring, piercing, hair band, hairpin...
Name 5 modes of transportation
bike, car, motorbike, train, plane, skate, truck, taxi...
Name 5 verbs beginning with B
be, become, begin, burn, bake, bring, bite, balance, ba, bark...
Name 5 types of music
country, EDM, rap, hip hop, trap, K-pop, metal, pop, rock, blues, jazz...
Name 4 insects
ant, bee, butterfly, beetle. dragonfly, ladybug, mosquito...
Name 4 books.
Open answer
Name 4 brands of cars.
Toyota, Nisaan, Acura, Honda, Lambroghini, etc.
Name 4 types of restaurants
Pizzeria, Sushi bar, Chinese restaurant, Kebab, Café. Indian restaurant
Name 4 bad habits
smoking, drinking alcohol, sedentarism, junk food, biting fingernails, gambling...
Name 5 things that you have in the refrigerator.
water, juice, ketchup, milk, coke, eggs, yogurt, cream cheese, vegetables...
Name 5 pieces of furniture
table, chair, desk, shelf, wardrobe, armchair, bookcase, bed, sofa...
Name 4 ocean animals
spadefish, clown fish, lobster, crab, whale, octopus, starfish, dolphin...
Name 4 things that are square
napkin, sandwitch, toast, chess board, pizza box, post-it note...
Name 5 school subjects
English, History, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Music, Art, P.E...
Name 4 famous holidays.
Christmas, Easter, Saint Patrick's Day, Carnival, Halloween...
Name 3 negative feelings
angry, depressed, terrified, lonely, miserable...
Name 4 countries beginning with M.
Name 4 adjectives of more than 4 letters
interesting, expensive, beautiful, incredible, loving, unfair, dangerous...
Name 4 unhealthy desserts
pudding, cheese cake, apple pie, pastries, gelatin, ice-cream...