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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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At 7 o’clock, they ___ _____ (eat) dinner
were eating
I was ______ (send) a message when the internet _____ (stop) working.
Sending / Stopped
We _____ _____ (bake) a cake for the birthday party
were baking
He _____ _____ (ride) his bike in the park.
was riding
the cat ______ _____(sit) on the table
was sitting
While we were _____(play) soccer, it _____(start) to rain
Playing / Started
I was _____ (make) breakfast when she _____(arrive) at my house this morning.
Making / Arrived
I was _____ (sleep) when you _____ (get) home yesterday
Sleeping / Got
They ____ _____ (singing) Taylor Swift songs during the whole trip.
were singing
Sasha ____ _____ (prepare) sandwiches when Connie arrive to the kitchen
was preparing
My sister has worked in Buenos Aires _____ last year.
They've been really bussy _____ friday
I've been taking piano lessons _____ three months
She has played softball _____ she was 5 years old
He has lived in Bogota _____ a long time.
We have been listening to that song _____ it came out
Jake hasn’t shower _____ a month, please do something about it
They’ve been friends _____ last year
She’s been in this school _____ 6 years
I’ve been studying really hard _____ the exam was announced