Edit Game
8th grade Unit 4 Pearson

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The s_____ books that we have to read this year are very boring.
The set books that we have to read this year are very boring.
Our t_______e is terrible this year! I have 9 lessons on Monday and 10 on Tuesday!
Our timetable is terrible this year! I have 9 lessons on Monday and 10 on Tuesday!
Kate often plays t_______ and never does her homework.
Kate often plays truant and never does her homework
Mrs Chalkboard is our f_____ teacher.
Mrs Chalkboard is our form teacher.
Carl didn't _______ any progress in English last year.
Carl didn't make any progress in English last year.
I don't know this word. Let's look it_____ in a dicitonary.
I don't know this word. Let's look it up in a dicitonary.
What's the opposite of 'compulsory'? o__________
Have you learnt the poem by_________ yet?
Have you learnt the poem by heart yet?
He fell___________with maths because he'd been absent for 2 months.
He fell behind with maths because he'd been absent for 2 months.
This book is___________(good) than that one.
Karen is as___________(tall) as Chloe.
as tall as
Five years ago I was _________ than I am now. (fat)
This is __________ CD I’ve ever listened to. (bad)
the worst
The cheetah is ___________ animal in the world.(fast)
the fastest
Today has been _________ day of the year. (hot)
the hottest
My sister is _____________ than my brother. (intelligent)
more intelligent