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Guess the Job

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Issue tickets to rail passengers and make sure that their journeys are safe and comfortable.
Train conductor/officer
Arrange and run training programmes in businesses and organisations.
Training manager
Help students learn or improve their English in the UK and abroad.
EFL Teacher
Diagnose and treat sick or injured animals.
Help couples organise their wedding.
Wedding planner
Help shape the way towns and cities develop, and balance the demands on land with the needs of the community.
Town planner
Manage schools and create the right conditions for children and staff to achieve their best.
Self-employed people who've bought a licence to operate a business under an established company's brand.
Franchise owner
Manage the sale and promotion of products and services on the internet.
E-commerce manager
Hear evidence in criminal and civil courts, make rulings and pass sentences based on the information presented during cases.
Investigate deaths where the causes are unexplained, or the person’s identity is unclear or unknown.
Give specialist legal advice, advising solicitors and representing people in court, at tribunals and in public inquiries.
Carry out operations and medical procedures on patients.
Apply the scientific study of the mind and behaviour to solving real life problems.
Keep law and order, investigate crime, and support crime prevention.
Look at the reasons why people commit crimes and find ways to reduce re-offending.
Protect individuals or groups from the risk of violence, kidnapping and other harmful situations.
Make decisions on whether people have the right to visit or stay in the UK.
Immigration officer
Create and post videos online about their life or specialist interests.
Answer and connect calls and take messages.
Telephonist/Switchboard operator
Design, build and test computer programs for business, education and leisure services.
Software developer
Help librarians to manage the day-to-day running of a library.
Library assistant
Run public and private libraries, managing access to books, multi-media resources and computers.
Oversee the development and installation of computer hardware and software systems.
IT project managers
Analysts investigate business situations, analyse problems and identify improvements.
Business Analyst
Help people and organisations to choose investments, savings, pensions, mortgages and insurance products.
Financial adviser
Help clients plan their finances to make sure they're paying the right amount of tax.
Tax adviser
Administrators make sure employees get paid the right amount on the right date.
Plan how to promote products, services or brands and oversee all marketing activity.
Marketing manager
Advise government departments, businesses, banks and other organisations about the economy.
Lead their organisation and put plans and policies into place to help it be successful.
Oversee the day-to-day operations of their branch, supervise staff and work to attract new customers.
Bank manager