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Energy: Heat, Light, and Sound

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This is what a car needs to move.
What is a battery/electricity?
This is the energy produced by stars.
What is light?
This is the energy a candle produces.
What is light?
This is the energy a fireplace produces.
What is heat/light?
This is the energy a fireplace produces.
What is heat/light?
This is the energy a glow stick produces.
What is light?
This is the energy a boiling pot of water produces.
What is heat?
This is the energy a bumble bee makes.
What is sound?
This is the energy that a TV produces.
What is sound/light?
This is the energy used when you make a phone call or text on a cellphone.
What is battery?
This is the energy fireworks produce.
What is light?
This is to make or do something.
What is produce?
This is the kind of energy people who sing produce.
What is sound?
This kind of energy a guitar produces.
What is sound?
This is what people need to get energy.
Food, light, sleep, air, etc.
This is what people need to work.
What is energy?
This is the energy a radio gives us.
What is sound?
This is the energy the moon gives off.
What is light?
This is how a laminator works to seal paper.
What is heat?
This is an object that can give us light when the electricity is off.
What is a candle or flashlight with a battery?
This is the energy that a hairdryer needs to work.
What is electricity?
This is energy that a hairdryer gives us?
This is energy that comes from the sun.
What is heat and light?
This is the ability to do work and make things move.
What is energy?
This is to use energy to do something.
What is work?
This is an up and down movement that moves energy.
What is waves?
This is where something comes from.
What is source?
This is and energy that makes things work.
What is a power?
This is a device or object that makes or does something.
What is a machine?
This is a device or object that makes or does something.
What is a machine?
This is a type of energy that lets us see.
What is light?
This is a type of energy that makes things warmer.
What is heat?
This is a type of energy that is carried through wires to make things run.
What is electricity?
To put energy into something.
What is charge?
This is a container or object that stores and saves energy?
What is a battery?