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Past tense of 'to be' (positive & negative)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Yesterday, the kids ______ tired after a game of football. √ They ______ sad. x
were; weren't
Yesterday, he ______ in the park. x He ______ at the beach all day long. √
wasn't; was
Yesterday, she _____ in the park all day long. √ She ______ at the beach. x
was; wasn't
Last month, they _____ at home. x They ______ on vacation in Thailand. √
weren't; were
Yesterday, she _____ sad. x She _____ happy. √
wasn't; was
Me and my friends ______ in London three years ago. √ We ________ in Rome. x
were; weren't
Tim and his family ______ in Paris last year. √ They _______ in Barcelona. x
were; weren't
The cat ______ outside all day long yesterday. √ It _______ at home. x
was; wasn't
She _____ sad yesterday. √ She _____ angry. x
was; wasn't
I _____ very tall as a child. √ I _____ short. x
was; wasn't
I _____ at home yesterday. √ I _____ outside. x
was; wasn't
Last year, we ______ in Brazil. √ We ______ in Spain. ×
were; weren't
Yesterday, they ______ happy. √ They ______ angry. ×
were; weren't
A year ago, my dog _____ 6 years old. √ It ______ 8 years old. x
was; wasn't
She _____ angry yesterday. √ She _____ happy. x
was; wasn't
He ______ late for class yesterday. √ He ______ on time. x
was; wasn't
I _____ sick last weekend. √ I _____ well. x
was, wasn't