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Which country am I in? ?

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Unlike Brazilians, people from this country like to have personal space, so don't stand too close.
United Kingdom
People here don't retain eye contact during a conversation.
United Kingdom
When conversing with people from here, try saying "please," "thank you" and "sorry" frequently, as this is considered polite.
United Kingdom
In ________, physical contact during conversation is natural and highlights the trust between business partners.
Be punctual. _________ are hardworking, so you want to demonstrate that their time is valuable.
Business events are well structured and straight to the point. You don't want to be joking during business meetings.
________ is a major center of European fashion. Even casual clothes are smart and chic. Formal attire is generally expected for business meetings.
In __________ business culture, giving gifts is not particularly common. Only after you've established a trusting, familiar relationship with someone may you give a small and not obviously expensive gift as a sign of friendship.
Punctuality is not a priority in this country. Be patient and prepared for some delay when you start working with a new _________ partner.
Giving presents is acceptable here, but exercise discretion. Business gifts are usually not exchanged at the first meeting.
Punctuality is treated quite casually in this country, so do not be surprised if your _________ colleague arrives fairly late.
It is vital to make appointments for both business and social occasions. It is not acceptable in _______ to drop in on someone unannounced.
Both Hindi and English are the official languages of ________.
Avoid eating beef at business meetings, as cows are considered sacred in ________.
If your business partner offers you a meal, never say "thank you" at the end of it, as this is considered a form of payment on your part and therefore insulting.
Like in Japan, the word "no" can be considered rude in _________. Try to use words and phrases like "we will see" or "possibly" instead of "no."
While you can show up to meetings on time, don't be surprised if ________ business partners are late.
_________ is especially sensitive to the word "no." It is customary to respond with "yes" even if you disagree with what is being said.
Giving gifts is common, but you should pay special attention to how you present your gift. Never hand out a gift that isn't wrapped.
The senior member of the group often leads the business meeting, while younger members, out of respect, speak less.
Bowing is a typical way of greeting each other. Handshakes sometimes occur, but you should let the _______ person initiate it.
Mandarin is the official language of _______, but there are some other languages to be aware of, like Cantonese and Shanghainese.
After a business meeting, allow partners to leave the meeting room first.
If you happen to have family roots in _____, you can give yourself a _______ name to use when doing business in the country. This is considered a sign of respect, but you should only do it if you have _______ roots.
People from ________ appreciate a conservative dress code, and you should avoid physical contact while conversing.
Provide a gift for the person you are conducting business with, but keep the following in mind: When handing them the gift, always use both hands. Don't give a watch as a gift, as it represents death in _______