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Int2 before exam 3

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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That sign is not clear at all. What does it mean? It's really..........
A couple behind me talked during the entire movie! That was.........
irritating / frustrating / annoying
She always bites her nails in class. (Say what it means using modals or adverbs)
Perhaps it means she never does homework.
She rolls her eyes when I get in the classroom. (Say what it means with modals or adverbs)
It might mean she is mad at you.
Get to work at 8 am. (obligation)
You've got to get to work at 8 am. OR You have to get to work at 8 am.
No shoes in this area. (You / be allowed to)
You are not allowed to wear shoes in this area.
How many languages are recognized in Spain?
Where were you last Friday night?
I was with my friends at a party.
Has your brother been helping around the house these days?
Yes, he's been doing the dishes and cooking dinner.
What have you been doing lately?
I've been taking English lessons.
In ten years... (technology - 8 seconds)
...lots of work activities will be automated.
Before there were mobile phones.... (complete - 7 seconds)
...lots of people used phone booths (public phone kiosk)
I wouldn't make a good reporter because... (complete - 7 seconds)
I'm not good at speaking in public.
It's my neighbor's dog. It always visits me. (join these sentences)
It's my neighbor's dog which / that always visits me.
She's an actress. She has won some Oscars. (join these sentences)
She's an actress who / that has won some Oscars.
Two synonyms of terrible...
disgusting, distressing, unpleasant
Two synonyms of funny...
amusing, hilarious
Two synonyms of weird...
odd, bizarre, strange
I think horror movies are.... (complete - 5 seconds)
shocking / entertaining / exciting, etc.
I was jogging in the park when.... (complete / use adverb)
..., surprisingly, I met an old friend.
If you spend more than you earn.... (complete in 5 seconds)
you won't be able to save money.