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3/7 Zones of Regulation Identification

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What ZONE is this individual in? What body language or facial expressions led you to this answer?
Green Zone; Smiling, waving, ready to work, looks focused and happy!
What ZONE is this individual in? What body language or facial expressions led you to this answer?
Red Zone; Hands on hips, eyebrows down, looks mad!
What ZONE is this individual in? What body language or facial expressions led you to this answer?
Blue Zone; yawning, hand on head, slouched position, looks tired or bored!
What ZONE is this individual in? What body language or facial expressions led you to this answer?
Red Zone; Pointing finger, eyebrows down, maybe yelling, looks angry!
What ZONE is this individual in? What body language or facial expressions led you to this answer?
Green Zone; Smiling, soft eyebrows, looks happy!
What ZONE is this individual in? What body language or facial expressions led you to this answer?
Green Zone; Smiling, soft eyebrows, looks calm!
What ZONE is this individual in? What body language or facial expressions led you to this answer?
Red Zone; Eyebrows down, teeth gritting, looks angry!
What ZONE is this individual in? What body language or facial expressions led you to this answer?
Blue Zone; Head down, hands over face, maybe crying, slouched over, looks sad!
What ZONE is this individual in? What body language or facial expressions led you to this answer?
Blue Zone; Hands on chin, eyes starting to close, slouched stance, looks tired!
What ZONE is this individual in? What body language or facial expressions led you to this answer?
Green Zone; Smiling, soft eyebrows, looks ready to work and happy!
What ZONE is this individual in? What body language or facial expressions led you to this answer?
Blue Zone; Head down, eyes closed, hand on head, looks tired or bored!
What ZONE is this individual in? What body language or facial expressions led you to this answer?
Green Zone; Thumbs up, soft eyebrows, maybe smiling, looks happy!
What ZONE is this individual in? What body language or facial expressions led you to this answer?
Red Zone; Eyebrows down, aggressive stance, holding chair in the air, looks angry!
What ZONE is this individual in? What body language or facial expressions led you to this answer?
Blue Zone; Head down, hand on forehead, maybe eyes closed, looks tired or bored.
What ZONE is this individual in? What body language or facial expressions led you to this answer?
Green Zone; Sitting up straight, hands on computer, looks ready to work!