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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What type of music and film industry is famous in India?
Name this UK Boxer
Amir Khan
Name this famous 90s R&B band
Boyz to men
Name this famous blonde bombshell
Marilyn Monroe
The title of this film
Schindlers List
What's the name of this film?
Edward Scissor Hands
Name this famous 90's supermodel
Kate Moss
Name this famous Liverpool Actress
Jodie Comer
Name this popular series
Killing Eve
Name the reality show
First Dates
Name the singer
Jessie J
Name the band
Name the band
Who sang: ‘Living easy, living free, season ticket on a one-way ride.’
Who sang ‘This love has taken its toll on me; She said goodbye too many times before’
Maroon 5
Who sang: ‘I’m never gonna dance again, Guilty feet have got no rhythm’
George Michael
Which country is regarded as the primary practitioner of the game of polo?
What was the nationality of Eugenio Monti, a bobsleigh driver who won 11 world titles?
What is dermatophobia the fear of?
Skin disease
The first atom bomb was dropped on which Japanese city?
How old was Elvis when he died?
What was Miley Cyrus well known as?
Hanna Montana
How many times has J-lo been married? (2022)
Who was Grigori Rasputin?
Russian mystic and self-proclaimed holy man