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Was Annemarie Johansen a real person?
Annemarie Johansen is a child of the author's imagination.
What did Annemarie do with Ellen's necklace in the end?
She will wear it until Ellen returned.
What was wrong with Ellen's necklace?
the clasp had broken
How was Lise killed?
The Nazis used a military car to run her down.
Why was Peter's arm bandaged and in a sling at Lise's funeral?
He was shot by the Nazis while he was trying to escape with Lise.
Name one thing the Nazis refuse to do after killing the young men at Ryvangen.
They refused to return the bodies of the young men they shot at Ryvangen. They simply buried them there where they were killed,
What happened to Peter?
Peter had been captured and executed by the Germans in the public square at Ryvangen, in Copenhagen.
Who was the "God of Thunder" in the story?
the kitten
The hiding place where the Rosens hid from the German soldiers was dark, cold and cramped. True or false?
Who invented the special drug that ruined the trained German dogs' sense of smell?
scientists and doctors
Was Peter in the Resistance?
The German soldiers stopped Annmarie in the woods while she was taking a basket to her uncle. True or false? Why?
True. Annemarie's mum wanted to give her uncle a handkerchief.
What did Annemarie compare herself carrying a basket in the woods to?
little Red Riding-Hood
Annemarie and Ellen met each other again at the end of the story. True or false?
What did Annemarie's mum tell her to do if any soldiers saw her while she was taking the basket to her uncle?
Pretend to be nothing more than a little girl. A silly, empty-headed girl, taking lunch to a fisherman.
What did Ellen whisper to Annemarie before she left?
"I'll come back someday. I promise."
Peter Neilsen had been engaged to Annemarie's elder sister, Lise. True or false?
The Nazi officers wanted to see what was inside the casket. True or false?
False. The Nazi officer said, "You foolish woman. To think that we have any interest in seeing the body of your diseased aunt! Open it after we leave."
What did Annmarie's father do to make the German soldiers believe Ellen was one of her daughters?
He showed them photographs of her daughters when they were young.
Annemarie asked, "Don't tell me the soldiers try to - what's the word? - relocate butter, too? What does this suggest about the German soldiers?
The Nazis often relocated things or people in Denmark.
Why did Annemarie have to lie about Great-aunt Birte too?
She was protecting Ellen.
Who lived in Gilleleje?
Uncle Henrik
What did Annemarie do to Ellen's necklace when the German soldiers searched their house?
She pulled it off Ellen's neck with force.
The King lived in Copenhagen during the Nazi occupation. True or false?
Ellen Rosen had to pretend to be Annemarie's older sister. True or false?
Annemarie's father treated Ellen like one of her own daughters. True or false?
True. He said, "Once I had three daughters. Tonight I am proud to have three daughters again."
Annemarie's family hid Ellen and her parents in their homes so that they can be safe from the Nazis. True or false?
False. Annemarie's family could only hide one person in their house.
How did the German soldiers know where Ellen Rosen lived?
They took the list of all Jews from the synagogue.
The Germans wanted to take over the Danish ships for their own use. How did the Danish people respond to this?
The Danes had destroyed their own naval fleet, blowing them up one by one.
How did Annmarie's mother explain the explosions happening outside to Kirsti?
That they were fireworks for her birthday celebration.
Would Annmarie and her parents die for the King of Denmark if they had to?
Yes, they would.
What was the name of Annmarie's little sister?
What was the name of the King of Denmark at the time when the Nazi soldiers occupied Copenhagen?
King Christian
What did the Danish boy say to the German soldier who asked him why the King didn't have bodyguards with him?
He said that all the people of Denmark are his bodyguard.
Does Annemarie have hope for the future of Denmark?
Yes, she is. She’s expecting one day Ellen will come back and the Nazis will withdraw from Denmark.
How does Annemarie deal with Ellen’s Star of David’s necklace?
She wants her father to fix it for her and she will keep it for Ellen until she returns.
Do you think Annemarie should have been told the truth about Lise? Why or why not?
Not really as it might be dangerous for her to know the whole truth. Or she is still too young to know the truth.
What is the truth about Lise’s death?
Lise was part of the Danish Resistance and was hit by a military car as she tried to run from the Nazis.
Annmarie's father thought the King was wise to surrender to Germany. True or false?
True. It is because Denmark was a small country with only a few soldiers. Germany had an enormous army.
What is the journey to Sweden like for the Rosens?
It is dark, cold and cramped. Mrs. Rosen is seasick.
What stopped the dogs from sniffing out the people hidden on the boat? It made the dogs lose their sense of smell.
the handkerchief
He hides the Jewish people in a compartment of the boat. He helps the Jews to escape. He is willing to risk his own life for others. Who did all this?
Uncle Henrik
What is important in the basket?
The handkerchief is all they need in order to escape.
How does Annemarie act towards the soldiers?
She acts like a bratty or spoiled child. She cries and tries to divert their attention.
How does Annemarie stop herself from feeling too scared when going through the woods?
She imagines herself as Little Red Riding Hood.
There are warm clothing, coats and blankets. They are for them to use on their boat trip to Sweden. Where did they hide these items?
inside a casket
Do you think Mama is right to lie to Annemarie? Why or why not?
It’s okay as Mama wants to protect her. It’s okay to lie if your lie can help you save people. Accept other answers.
Who was Great-aunt Birte?
She was a made-up person. It is simply a lie. She is non-existent.
How do Anniemarie and her parents ensure Ellen’s safety when the soldiers arrive? Name two things they do.
First, Anniemarie pulls off Ellen’s necklace with its Star of David symbol. Second, they all insist that Ellen is a member of the family and Father uses Lise’s
Annemarie's mother and uncle are behaving strangely because they want to give Ellen a surprise party. True or false?
What name does Ellen use when the officer asks for her name?
Lise Johansen
We can use the phrase "h_________ f__" to express that we really desire something.
hunger for
Human decency is _____.
Human behaviour that is good, moral, and acceptable in society.
Denmark surrendered to Germany in _____?
You usually feel this when a loved one has just passed away. It begins with the letter "g".
There is a ceremony where people gather to say their last goodbyes the loved one that has just died. What is the ceremony called?
a funeral
The soldiers are suspicious of Ellen. Why?
because of her dark hair colour
What kind of necklace does Ellen wear?
one with the Star of David
The reason why Ellen is separated from her parents is because Ellen's parents are looking for a better school for Ellen. True or false?
Whose shops in Denmark are being closed?
Jewish shops
According to Annemarie, how did her older sister Lise die?
died in a car accident
In the view of Annemarie's father, one of the reasons for the king not choosing to go to war with Germany was because "The Danes do not want to go to war with Germany". True or false?
What's the name of the place of worship for Jewish people?
a synagogue
Name a famous Danish fairy tale writer whose name begins with the letter "H" and the middle name begins with "C".
Hans Christian Anderson
Who were the Resistance fighters?
those who wanted to bring harm to the Nazis
Hoodlums are people who are _____.
violent, especially those who are members of a group of criminals
Look at this definition: "unreasonably determined, especially to act in a particular way and not to change at all, despite what anyone else says" - What word can you use to express this meaning?
obstinate For example: "an obstinate five-year-old"
How do Annemarie and Ellen feel when they are being stopped by the German soldiers?
Kirsti is Annemarie's __________.
little sister
Where did Annemarie and Ellen live before the Nazis occupation?
What question did they ask to know whether it was good time to ship the Jews from Denmark to Sweden?
Is the weather good for fishing?
Name Annemarie's two sisters.
Lise, Kirsti
Name one thing that the Danish Resistance did.
sabotage Nazis' actions, bomb their army equipment or supplies , smuggle Jews to a safe place
Name three countries that the Nazis occupy.
Norway, Denmark, Poland, Czechoslovakia,Luxembourg, Belgium,Yugoslavia, Estonia,Latvia,Lithuania, France, Greece.
What does the swastika symbolize?
the symbol for Nazi regime