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How Do You Cope?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this coping skill?
use kind and compassionate self-talk
How is the croissant coping?
jump on a trampoline
What coping skill is this?
rest, take a break or a nap
What coping skill is this?
do something kind
What coping skill is this?
build something
How are they coping?
talk to someone you trust
How is the cat coping?
play outside
What is this coping skill?
What is this coping skill?
get a hug
How is the sheep coping?
create Origami
What is this coping skill?
clean, declutter or organize
What is this coping skill?
drink a warm cup of tea
What is this coping skill?
do a puzzle
What is this coping skill?
How are the owls coping?
explore and discover nature's treasures
How is the cat coping?
read a book or a magazine
What is this coping skill?
try or learn something new
What is this coping skill?
use a stress ball
What is this coping skill?
visualize a peaceful place 
What coping skill is she using?
garden or do yard work
What coping skill is the dog using?
look at or take photos
What is this coping skill?
take good care of the Earth
What is this coping skill?
get plenty of sleep
How is the cat coping?
take a shower or bath
What is this coping skill?
What is this coping skill?
go on a walk, run or hike 
What is this coping skill?
sing or dance
What is this coping skill?
say positive affirmations
What is this coping skill?
use aromatherapy or smell something nice
How is she coping?
cook or bake
What is this coping skill?
drink water
How is the girl coping?
cuddle or play with your pet
What is this coping skill?
forgive, let go, move on
What is this coping skill?
eat healthy
What is this coping skill?
smile and laugh
What coping skill is the dinosaur using?
hug or climb a tree
What is this coping skill?
kick, bounce or throw a ball
What is this coping skill?
journal or write a letter
What is this coping skill?
take slow, deep breaths
How is the man coping?
practice yoga
What is this coping skill?
make a scrapbook or collage
What is this coping skill?
knit or crochet
What is this coping skill?
practice gratitude
What coping skill is the girl using?
play with slime
What is this coping skill?
play a board game
How is the girl coping?
listen to music
What is this coping skill?
color, paint or draw
How is the dog coping?
blow bubbles
What is this coping skill?
ask for help
What is this coping skill?
ride a bike, skateboard or rollerblade