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Name 3 Things: 3rd Grade

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 things you can do in the snow.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 things are cube shaped.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 different kinds of transportation.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 different kinds of insects.
Answers will vary.
List 3 things to do at the beach.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 kinds of trees.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 things you need to go camping.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 things that rhyme with school.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 sports that don't use a ball.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 sports teams.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 amusement parks.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 green vegetables.
Answers will vary
Name 3 countries.
Answers will vary.
Other than earth, name 3 planets.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 animals that you can ride other than a horse.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 ways to greet someone other than saying "Hello."
Answers will vary.
Name 3 different types of books.
Answers will vary.
List 3 excuses for being late.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 types of weather.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 states other than California.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 toys other than video games.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 adverbs. Hint: Think careful-LY!
Answers will vary.
Name 3 verbs.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 nouns, each one from a different category.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 adjectives.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 things you can make with wood.
Answers will vary
Name 3 musical instruments.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 things, other than dogs and cats, that could be pets.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 ways, outside of school, when you have to use math.
Answers will vary
Name 3 things in a classroom.
Answers will vary
Name 3 things starting with the letter W.
Answers will Vary
Name 3 Disney or Pixar animated movies.
Answers will vary