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First and Second Conditionals

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If I ______ (spend) my Dad's money, he _______ (have) any money left!
If I SPEND my Dad's money, he WON'T HAVE any money left!
If Hugo ______ (study) a lot, he _______ (become) a teacher.
If Hugo STUDIES a lot, he WILL BECOME a teacher.
If you _______ (look) in a mirror, you ______ (see) a reflection.
If you LOOK in a mirror, you SEE a reflection.
If it ____(stop) raining, we _______ (ride) our bikes.
If it STOPS raining, we WILL RIDE our bikes.
If Sophie _______ (add) salt to the potatoes, they ________ (taste) better.
If Sophie ADDS salt to the potatoes, they WILL TASTE better.
If you _____(put) paper in a fire, it ______(burn)
If you PUT paper in a fire, it BURNS
If they ________ (go) out in the snow without a coat, they _______ (get) cold.
If they GO out in the snow without a coat, they WILL GET cold.
If he ______ (miss) the bus, he _________ (arrive) late for school.
If he MISSES the bus, he WILL ARRIVE late for school.
If you ______ (mix) blue and yellow, you _______ (make) the colour green
If you MIX blue and yellow, you MAKE the colour green
If I ____ (get) the new job, I _____ (be) really happy.
If I GET the new job, I WILL BE really happy.
If it _____ (snow) tomorrow, we ________ (go) skiing.
If it SNOWS tomorrow, we WILL GO skiing.
If you ______ (heat) ice, it _______ (melt)
If you HEAT ice, it MELTS