Edit Game
Parts of Speech

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I painted my room a light cream colour. What type of word is 'cream'?
an adjective
My mother bought a new face cream. What type of word is 'cream'?
a noun
Where did I park my car? I don't remember. What type of word is 'park'?
a verb
I like playing in the park with my friends. What type of word is 'park'?
a noun
I usually don't season the vegetables before cooking. What type of word is 'season'?
a verb
Which season do you prefer? What type of word is 'season'?
a noun
The teacher shows us funny pictures. What type of word is 'shows'?
a verb
The school show was funny yesterday. What type of word is 'show?'
a noun
Things, places, people. For example; house, park, woman.
It's a short word that replaces a noun.
Which word(s) in the following sentence is a PRONOUN? "Have you ever been to Paris?"
Is the word "today" an adverb?
Yes, it is.
A type of word that describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. It gives us info such as how, how many, when, etc. Many of these words end in -ly.
In the sentence: "John IS very sleepy", what type of word is "is"?
In the sentence: "The sea is CALM today", what type of word is "calm"?
What is an adverb? 
It's a type of word that describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb.
Which word(s) in the following sentence are PREPOSITIONS? "The folders are in the cabinet next to the books."
in, next to
Which word(s) in the following sentence are ADVERBS? "Use your time wisely."
Use an adjective in a sentence.
The students are smart.
Give me an example of a plural pronoun.
Examples: we, you, they, us, them, their.
What is the function or job of a pronoun?
It replaces a noun.
Find the adverb(s): "Yesterday, I went to the local cinema".
Find the pronoun(s): If I were you, I wouldn't say it to him again.
I, you, I, it, him
How many articles are the in the following sentence? "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".
3 - an, a, the
Find the noun(s): Sometimes, my best friend and I go to the nearby library together.
friend, library
Use an adverb: "I ___ do my homework because the teacher never checks it".
never, rarely, seldom, hardly ever, etc...
How many verbs? I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish.
4 - I wish; to wish; you wish; to wish.
Find the verb(s): I just want to stay in my cozy bed all day reading fantasy novels.
want, stay, reading
Find the preposition(s): The brave fireman proudly stood on the burning roof while the others watched from under the old oak tree.
on, from, under
How many adjectives? "The blonde boy has beautiful green eyes".
3- blonde, beautiful, green
Find the pronoun(s): "Jorge told her to be more careful in the future".
Find the noun(s): I baked a delicious cake.
In the sentence "I like to SING and DANCE", what type of words are "sing" and "dance"?
In the sentence "Hi, my name is Laura", what type of word is Laura?
proper noun