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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete this sentence... I'm able to...
Complete this sentence... I couldn't...
Complete this sentence... I will succeed in...
Complete this sentence... I'm very good at...
Complete this sentence... In 3 years, I will manage to...
Complete this sentence... 5 years ago, I was able to...
I haven't succeeded in __________ (speak) in front of people.
I haven't succeeded in speaking in front of people.
They were incapable of __________ (follow) instructions.
They were incapable of following instructions.
Weston was very good at __________ (tell) stories and jokes.
Weston was very good at telling stories and jokes.
She is capable of __________ (concentrate) on very detailed information.
She is capable of concentrating on very detailed information.
I couldn't __________ (finish) my homework last night.
I couldn't finish my homework last night.
He could __________ (speak) French when he was a child.
He could speak French when he was a child.
Erika can't __________ (play) the piano.
Erika can't play the piano.
Alan can __________ (swim) very well.
Alan can swim very well.
I know you will manage __________ (program) a computer.
I know you will manage to program a computer.
Shawn was unable __________ (complete) the assignment.
Shawn was unable to complete the assignment.
I'm not able __________ (understand) Chinese people speaking English.
I'm not able to understand Chinese people speaking English.
I am able _______ (speak) two languages.
I am able to speak two languages.