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Anna Todd wrote which famous young adult book series?
What genre is this? A story written about a person's life by themselves.
Who's this fictional spy?
James Bond
What's this? A book giving information on many subjects and typically arranged alphabetically.
This book was adapted into a movie in 2021 starring Timothée Chalamet.
Which character is this?
Willy Wonka
What genre is this?
Edward Cullen is a character in which book series?
What genre is this?
Which doctor talked to the animals?
Doctor Dolittle
In which book would you find Kanga and Rabbit?
Winnie the Pooh
How many Dalmatians are there in the book which was made into a film by Walt Disney?
What genre are the Sherlock Holmes books?
detective stories / mystery novels
Katniss Everdeen is the protagonist of which book series?
The Hunger Games
Who is the greatest enemy of Peter Pan?
Captain Hook
Which novel is set in 2044 where teenager Wade Watts explores the virtual utopia OASIS?
Ready Player One
What genre is this?
comic book
What genre is this? A story written about a person's life by someone else.
In The Hobbit, what sort of creature is Smaug?
a dragon
What is the name of the school in Harry Potter?