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Vocabulary 5

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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20.- Sharpen your memory-My mom has sharpen your memory-Idiom
My dad has sharpens your memory
19.- Reach a conclusión-We have to come to a conclusion on the subject-Idiom
They didn't tell me we had to come up with a solution on the issue.
18.- Make a connection-My dad has to make a connection with my mom-Idiom
My mom has to make a connection with my dad
17.- Increase your attention-My dad has to increase his attention-Verb
My mom has to increase her attention
16.- Have sound reasoning-My mom has solid reasoning-Idiom
My dad doesn't have sound reasoning
15.- Have a clue-My cousin has an ice rink-Idiom
My cousin doesn't have an ice rink
14.- Find a solution-The teacher told us to find a solution to the problem-Verb
The miss did not tell us to find a solution to the problem
13.- Figure (something) out-That ball has a circle figure-Phrasal verb
That computer is shaped like a square
12.- Be in doubt-My colleagues have doubts-Verb
My colleagues have doubts
11.- Irregular-It is fruit is irregular-Adjetive
I don't like irregular things
10.- Irrational-It's irrational what you say-Adjetive
It's not irrational what you say
9.- Incorrect-It is wrong what he is doing-Adjetive
It is not wrong what he is doing
8.- Incapable-I'm sure he would be unable to pull himself out of there-Adjetive
The would be unable to pull himself out of there
7.- Inadequate-He is not unsuitable to take care of my dog-Adjetive
He is unsuitable to take care of my dog
6.- Inactive-My cousin is inactive on social media-Adjetive
I don't like to be inactive on social media
5.- Inaaccurate-My shots are inaccurate-Adjetive
It can't be that my shots are inaccurate.
4.- Impossible-It's impossible what you're saying-Adjetive
It has to be impossible what you are saying
3.- Illogical-It is illogical what she is saying-Adjetive
It cannot be illogical what she is saying.
2.- Illegible-It is unreadable not to follow the rules-Adjetive
You don't have to be illeglabe
1.- Illegal-It is illegal to steal-Adjetive
It is illegal to steal that are not yours