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Solar System

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Name at least 2 gas giants.
Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune.
This quick planet spins FAST - only taking 9 hours to complete a rotation. The fast rotation also causes many storms, and it has a constant storm called the "Great Red Spot". It also has 79 moons.
This planet is the least dense and lightest planet in our solar system. It is mostly made of hydrogen and helium.
This is what causes the tides on Earth.
Moon's gravity.
Name the terrestrial planets.
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
Name the planets in our solar system starting closest to the sun.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Name the planets of the inner solar system in order of closest to the sun.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.
Name the outer planets in order of closest to the sun.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
This planet has the nickname "the ice planet".
An artificial body placed in orbit around the earth, moon, or another planet in order to collect information or for communication.
Another word for Sun.
This is the hottest and the brightest planet in our solar system.
How many moons does Venus have?
Our closest star.
_____________ is about the same size as Uranus.
_______________ is the study of planets, stars, and anything to do with the Universe.
This is the galaxy we live in.
Milky Way
This beautiful bluish green planet is unique because it appears to be spinning on its side.
The planet called the morning star or evening star is ______________.
What do you call a scientist who studies outer space?
This planet is the closest to the sun and is very hot on the side facing the sun, and cold on the side away from the sun.
This is the largest planet in our solar system.
This planet is nicknamed the Red Planet.