Edit Game
Directions- ESOL Level 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's between the bank and the newsstand?
The music store is between the bank and the newsstand.
What's across from the swimming pool?
The park is across from the swimming pool.
Where is the post office?
It's on Main Street.
Where is the movie theater?
It's on Davis Street. It's next to the parking lot.
What is behind the grocery store on Davis Street?
The swimming pool is behind the grocery store.
What is next to the book store?
The Chinese Restaurant is next to the book store.
How do I get to the post office?
Go one block. Turn right. The post office is on the left.
Go one block. Turn right. Cross the street. What is on the left?
The coffee shop.
Go two blocks. Turn right. What is on the right?
The movie theater
How do I get to the grocery store?
Go two blocks. Turn right. The grocery store is on the left.
How do I get to the laundromat?
Go one block. Turn left. The laundromat is on the right.
How do I get to the bank?
Go two blocks. Turn left. The bank is on the right.
He wants to _ _ _ _ _ the street.
CROSS- He wants to cross the street.
Say an imperative.
Go straight.
Say an imperative.
Turn right.
Say an imperative.
Turn left.
A: How do I get to the movie theater?
B: Go around the fountain. Go down the stairs and turn right.
A: How do I get to the supermarket? Walk ______ the river. Turn _____. Go ____ the train tracks. Go _____.
B: Walk along/ next to the river. Turn left. Go under the train tracks. Go straight.
A: How do I get to the hotel?
B: Go straight and turn right. Go over the bridge. Turn left.
Walk .........the stairs and turn ...............
Walk down the stairs and turn right.
Walk ...........the river and turn ..............
Walk along/ next to the river and turn left.
Go ...........the fountain and go .................
Go around the fountain and go straight.
Go ______ the train tracks.
Go under the train tracks.
Go .......... the bridge and turn ................
Go over the bridge and turn left.
Go ........... and turn ..............
Go straight and turn right.