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KET: irregular verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My plans for this weekend are _____ be very simple: I _____ stay in and watch some films.
Going to
On Friday, I’m ______ eat pizza at that famous restaurant with my friends.
Going to
This is a great film. I think you _____ love it!
Vincenzo opened his school bag, but he _______ find his mobile phone or video games! ( negative possibility in the past)
What ____ Pasquale ______ at 9 o’clock last night? (Do)
Was doing
Angelo _____ (sleep) in his room at 1 o’clock
Was sleeping
The sun ____(shine) and we ______(have) lunch in the garden (parallel actions in the past)
Was shining/were having
Cristian ________ see his friends or Roxy for almost two months! (Not/see
Didn’t see
I ______ her a pizza for her last day (make)
On my last holiday, I went to Atlanta and _____ in a 5-star-hotel ( stay)
Who____you___ yesterday? (Meet)
Where ____ you____ last weekend? (Go)
Do you _______ cool meals at home?
Have to
I don’t ________ study on Saturdays, only if I want to.
Have to
We ______ wear uniforms, it’s mandatory for everyone.
Have to/ must
We have online lessons with roxy __ Wednesdays __ 6 o’clock
On/ At
___ the 6th of March we started the quarantine in Italy. __ Naples the governor prohibited deliveries.
On/ In
But football is the _______ popular sport in the world!
I think baseball is ______ than football. Napoli is the best!
He isn’t old ______ to drive a car. He’s only 13! ( too/enough)
It’s _______ cold to go out today! (Too/enough)
How ______ sandwiches do you want? (Much/many)
How ______ chocolate have we got? (Much/many)
Jenny is ______an email (dancing/writing)
He _____ shopping on Wednesdays (eats/goes)