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Phonics 6th!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the difference between the vowel sounds in 'sheep' and 'ship'?
'Sheep' uses the 'long E' and 'ship' uses the 'short i'!
Does "brought" sound more like the vowel word in 'taught' or the vowel sound in 'ground'?
It sounds like taught!
What is the past tense of "bring"?
Pick the odd one out: plays, face, and space
Plays is the odd one out! It uses the "z" sound instead of the "s" sound
Pick the odd word out! Meet, seat, and sit
Sit is the odd one out! It uses the 'short i' sound instead of the 'long E'!
Does "began" sound like "and", "face" or "saw"?
It sounds like "and"!
What is the past tense of begin?
What is the past tense of bite? What vowel sound does it use?
Bit! It uses the "short i" sound!
What is the past tense of become? Which vowel sound does it use?
Became. It uses the long A sound!
Does "sound" use the same vowel sound as "brown"?
Yes it does.
What is the past tense of find? What is a word that rhymes with it?
Found! It rhymes with ground, sound, etc.
What is the past tense of "wear"?
Does "saw" use the long A sound like make and plane?
No it doesn't.
Does "said" use the 'short a', 'short e', or 'long A' sound?
e! |sed|