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Tell me the time! Tell me the day!

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Today is June 6th. What's the day before yesterday?
The day before yesterday is Monday, June 4th.
Today is Wednesday, June 6th. What was last Sunday?
Last Sunday was June 3rd.
Today is Wednesday, June 6th. What's this Saturday?
This Saturday is June 9th.
Wednesday. May 9th. What's next Tuesday?
May 15th.
Wednesday, May 9th. What's the day after tomorrow?
Friday, May 11th.
Today is Wednesday, May 9th. What's the day before yesterday?
Monday, May 7th.
When did you finish your test?
About 20 after 5. About 20 past 5.
What time are you going to church this Sunday?
A quarter to 11.
What time shall we meet this Friday?
A quarter past 8. A quarter after 8
What time are you going for lunch?
Half past 12.
What time did you get here?
twenty-five to 7.
When are you meeting John?
A quarter past 4. A quarter after 4
What time's your appointment today?
Half past 2.
What's the time?
A quarter to 11.
Look at the clock. What time is it?
10 past 10. 10 after 10.