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Love Idioms

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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To be officially involved in a romantic relationship with someone is referred to as being an i___.
When you ask someone to marry you, you p___ the question.
If you are completely in love with someone, you are said to be h___ over heels.
If a couple is experiencing problems, their relationship said to be on the r___.
on the rocks
Two people who are perfect for each other are said to be: a match made i___ h___.
in heaven
When you fall in love with someone the first time you see him/her, it's love a___ f___ s___.
at first sight
Another way of saying to get married is to tie the k___.
When you go on a date with someone you don’t know, it's a b___ date.
If someone is your favourite, they are the a___ of your e___.
the apple of your eye