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Modals - must, have to, should, can, need to & n ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It's a surprise so you ... or you'll spoil the surprise. (look)
mustn't look
If you visit an Aussie's home for dinner, you... something like flowers, chocolates or wine. (take)
should take
Everyone ... to cook. It's a great skill to have. (learn)
should learn
If you're studying, you ... a quiet place at home where you .... concentrate. (find / modal)
need to find or have to find / can
You ... a licence to ride a bike, but you ... a helmet. (have / wear)
don't have to have or don't need to have / have to wear or must wear
This writing is extremely small or I... my eyes checked. (get)
need to get
Here's the form and a pen. You... over there then bring it back please. (fill it in)
can fill it in
You're so loud! I'm just here. You ... yell.
don't have to yell
See that sign? It means you ... here so put that cigarette out! (smoke)
can't smoke / mustn't smoke
Where is he? I ... him. (see)
can't see
There's no class tomorrow so you ... early. You .... (get up / relax)
don't have to get up / can relax
You ... that car. You ... a licence to drive! (drive/have)
can't drive / have to have
We saw a movie yesterday and it was brilliant. You ... it and you ... it in the cinema on the big screen. The special effects are awesome! (see/watch)
must see/must watch, have to see/have to watch OR any combo
That dress looks fantastic on you. You .... buy it!
must / have to