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Correlative Conjunctions

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The star pupil is _____ extremely clever _____ hardworking.
not only / but also
Helen Keller was deaf and blind; she could _____ hear _____ see.
neither / nor
Next year, Sarah will definitely go to _____ Oxford  _____ Cambridge for university
either / or
Only take one piece of pie, _____ apple _____ pecan.
either / or
The gentleman _____ held the door for the lady, _____ for the people coming in behind her.
not only / but also, (neither / nor)
Libby _____ wrote the script for the play _____ starred in it as well.
not only / but also
Don't order pizza because Mike eats _____ cheese _____ tomatoes.
neither / nor
My mum said that I would _____ have to wear sunscreen _____ I could not go swimming.
either / or
She is _____ going home _____ staying at  school.
either / or
I will _____ win the game _____ I will go home empty handed.
either / or
John will _____ start today _____ start tomorrow.
either / or, (neither / nor)
At night _____ the cats _____ the dogs wake us up.
neither / nor, either / or
_____ my family _____ the Williams family attended the concert.
neither / nor
_____ Stan _____ Jacob showed up on time for the game.
neither / nor
We are _____ going to the cinema _____ a restaurant.
either / or