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This organ pumps the blood through your whole body. We draw them on valentines day but not the way they're really shaped
If you want to repel vampires, eat lots of this. It's delicious on bread with butter.
This is where bears, deer and other animals may live. Oregon has many national and state parks of these
This is a favorite movie snack. Don't forget the butter. Yum!
After you put your clothes in the washer you put them in this machine
This is what you wear when you're skydiving. Better have a back up just in case
The opposite of shouting
This is what is on the outside of a tree. It is also the sound a dog makes
This weather event is very destructive. It can be measured by it's wind speeds. They are most common in the midwest.
This is a great breakfast item. You can get all different kinds. Don't forget to add milk. My favorite is Lucky Charms
This fruit is named from the color of it's outside. Don't eat the peel. It also makes great juice!
These people were the first to explore the west. They came on covered wagons
This is where you go to eat lunch at school.
This person puts out fires. They are sometimes volunteers.
These were built thousands of years ago in Egypt. They stand tall even today
The great Pyramids
This is the place where Santa has his work shop. It's very cold here.
North Pole
This creature hates garlic and the sunlight. They feed on blood AHHH!
This country is known for celebrating St.Patrick's Day in a big way. Everyone wears green!
This product is made by churning cream. You spread it on toast or use it for baking
This animal has 8 legs and builds a web for it's home
What flies through the sky that you can make a wish on?
Shooting Star