Edit Game

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My brother opened the door. The guests rang the doorbell.
What do you think? Was that a good way to combine the sentence?
The bird laid eggs in the best. The bird build a nest.
What do you think? Was that a good way to combine the sentence?
The ship sailed away. The crew boarded the ship.
What do you think? Was that a good way to combine the sentence?
Jenny took the clothes from the washer. Jenny put the clothes in the dryer.
What do you think? Was that a good way to combine the sentence?
The waiter served our food. The chef prepared the food.
What do you think? Was that a good way to combine the sentence?
Sam put gas in his car. Sam drove his car to the gas station.
What do you think? Was that a good way to combine the sentence?
Dad will make pancakes. We will eat the pancakes.
What do you think? Was that a good way to combine the sentence?
Tom threw the ball back. Tom caught the ball.
What do you think? Was that a good way to combine the sentence?
Use "however" in a sentence to link two ideas.
What do you think? Was that a good sentence using the conjunction?
She agreed to the deal however...
What do you think? Was that a good sentence using the conjunction?
Use "instead" in a sentence to link two ideas.
What do you think? Was that a good sentence using the conjunction?
I left early today instead of...
What do you think? Was that a good sentence using the conjunction?
Use "therefore" in a sentence to link two ideas.
What do you think? Was that a good sentence using the conjunction?
The experiment was discontinued therefore...
What do you think? Was that a good sentence using the conjunction?
Use "while" in a sentence to link two ideas.
What do you think? Was that a good sentence using the conjunction?
They sat quietly while...
What do you think? Was that a good sentence using the conjunction?
Use "even though" in a sentence to link two ideas.
What do you think? Was that a good sentence using the conjunction?
I agreed to come even though...
What do you think? Was that a good sentence using the conjunction?
Use "since" in a sentence to link two ideas.
What do you think? Was that a good sentence using the conjunction?
He was disappointed since...
What do you think? Was that a good sentence using the conjunction?
Use "so that" in a sentence to link two ideas.
What do you think? Was that a good sentence using the conjunction?
She brought two forks so that...
What do you think? Was that a good sentence using the conjunction?
Use "because" in a sentence to link two ideas.
What do you think? Was that a good sentence using the conjunction?
He is late because...
What do you think? Was that a good sentence using the conjunction?