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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a typical Ukrainian breakfast?
He is cutting ..... for sushi
we are tourists
Мне холодно. Можете выключить кондиционер?
I am cold. Can you turn off the air conditioner?
I would like a ...... of water and a salad to go, please
How ..... peppers are there on the shelf? Is there a bottle of juice?
Нам нужно показывать пасспорт?
Do we need to show passport?
Мы опаздываем
we are late
Где туалет?
Where is the bathroom/ toilet?
If you need help, you can talk to the ...... ......
flight attendant
Я собираюсь купить сувениры в дюти фри
 I am going to buy souvenirs in duty free
When you pay for things you can pay by _______ or ________
cash or card
You ........ bring these things with you on a plane
Who are these people in the picture?
Это посадочный выход 45В?
Is this Gate 45B?
I ...... like a glass of orange juice
Is the man sitting in the window or aisle seat? Where do you prefer to sit on the plane?
aisle seat
Can I ..... my suitcase on the scale?
A luggage that you can take with you on a plane is .....
carry-on / hand luggage
There are two suitcases and two bags. YES or NO
NO - There are one suitcase and one bag
Before you can board your flight your have to go through... check.
 What is it?
It's a boarding pass.
Можно мне место у окна?
Can I have a window seat?
They are at the ....... desk
What is he doing?
He is checking in
Когда отправляется/ вылетает рейс 547 до Бангкока?
When does the flight to Bankgok leave?
You can sometimes check in online before you go to the .....