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20 Questions: Eating

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you ever eat too much?
Have you ever had an eating competition with your family or friends?
Have you ever suffered from eating disorders?
Is the issue of healthy eating important to you?
What eating manners do you have in your country that you like and dislike?
Do you think eating should always be a social occasion?
Are there any rules in your country about eating in public?
What do you think of people who eat food on trains or buses?
How many times do you chew your food?
Do you ever get bored of eating?
When was the last time you were so hungry that you felt you could eat a horse?
Are you a fussy / picky eater?
Are you a slow or fast eater?
Are there any rules in your house when you eat?
Do you like watching TV while you eat?
Who do you like eating with most?
Where in your house is your favourite place to eat?
Do you have a midnight snack?
What time of the day do you most enjoy eating?
How much do you enjoy eating?