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Revision game before Q2 201 Perspectives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correct: Has he enjoyed the celebration last night?
Did he enjoy the celebration last night?
Correct: They never met my best friend. This will be the first time.
They haven't met my best friend. This will be the first time.
Correct: I didn't ever go to a wedding
I have never been to a wedding.
Correct: Have you seen your cousins when you were in Dubai last week?
Did you see your cousins when you were in Dubai last week?
Put the words in order: in the morning study than at night I better
I study better in the morning than at night.
The (important) subject in primary school these days is information technology.
The most important subject in primary school these days is information technology.
For me, the (bad) part of PE is running.
For me, the worst (bad) part of PE is running.
The (hard) part of the school year is final exams.
The hardest
He is (serious). He needs to laugh sometimes. (as/ enough/ too)
He is too serious.
She's not frightened! She's (brave) to go on the scary ride. (as/ enough/ too)
She's brave enough...
Road biking is (not challenging) as mountain biking. (as/ enough/ too)
Road biking isn't as challenging as mountain biking
What does "break down" mean? Make a sentence if you can't explain it.
of a machine or motor vehicle) suddenly stop functioning.
What does "work out" mean? Make a sentence if you can't explain it.
do exercise or to find a solution to something
What does "lie down" mean? Make a sentence if you can't explain it.
a short rest in which one lies down on a bed
What does "eat out" mean? Make a sentence if you can't explain it.
have a meal in a restaurant
Hurry up – we don't have many time.
I'm not taking some medicine.
A: ______ days were you sick? B: Three.
How many
A: ______ money do you have? B: Sorry, I don't have any.
How much money
A: ______ schoolwork did you miss? B: A lot! I missed two tests!
How much
A: _______ doctors work in this hospital? B: About 30.
How many
While we stayed / were staying at my grandmother's house, my uncle visited every afternoon.
were staying
When I was looking through some old photos, I found / was finding a photo of our old house.
I prepared / was preparing to move away for college when I changed my plans.
was preparing
My dad was working in Dubai when he was meeting/met my mother.
My dad was working in Dubai when he met my mother.
Make a question: to the electricity supply the house Did you connect
Did you connect the house to the electricity supply?
Make a question: the container easy to move Was it
Was it easy to move the container?
Make a question: easy Was it to find a shipping container
Was it easy to find a shipping container?
Make a question: free Was the shipping container
Was the shipping container free?
Make a question: by yourself you the house Did build
Did you build the house by yourself?
Put the words in order: is seems marks she get lazy friend My but good to
My friend is lazy but she seems to get good marks.
Put the words in order: to would He know it more about like
He would like to know more about it.
Put the words in order: You hate feelings sharing your
You hate sharing your feelings.
Put the words in order: mind We talking emotions about don't
We don't mind talking about emotions.
Put the words in order: me wants feelings my to explain She
She wants me to explain my feelings.
Put the words in order: wants my me feelings to She explain
She wants me to explain my feelings.
Put the words in order: hope to talk to my I sister
I hope to talk to my sister.
He (seems /wants/enjoys) to believe his brother is telling the truth. (two options)
seems, wants
Can you (consider/manage/begin) to write about your experience? (two options)
manage, begin
We (suggest/ prefer/ agree) asking our mother for advice. (two options)
suggest, prefer
I (can't help /need /want) to learn to talk about my feelings. (two options)
need, want
They (want/ like/ enjoy)talking to each other. (two options)
She (promised / started / didn't mind) to tell me a secret. (two options)
promised, started