Edit Game
Do this, then that! Direction following game

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Draw a Z in the air and make a silly face.
Touch something smaller than a shoe, and bark like a dog.
Blink your eyes 3 times and say a word that starts with M.
Make a surprised face and nod your head up and down.
Make an angry face and take a deep breath.
Pretend to crack an egg and say the number after 8.
pretend to peel a banana and touch the top of your head.
Stand straight as a stick, and say your last name.
run in place and count backwards from 6.
Do three jumping jacks, and quack like a duck.
Name something tall, then touch the ground with your elbow.
Pretend to pop bubbles, then name a word that starts with B.
Flap your wings like a bird and moo like a cow.
Say a word that rhymes with "light" then cluck like a chicken.
Touch something plastic, then jump two times.
Say a word that starts with P, and touch the wall with one elbow.
Say a word that rhymes with "nap" and give a thumbs up.
Turn around and say a word that rhymes with "feet."
Act like a monkey and say the last letter of the alphabet.
Bend your knees and name a superhero.
Name something you can drink and pat your knees 2 times.
Pretend to zip your coat, and name something that flies.
Look up at the ceiling and draw a triangle in the air.
Point to a clock and put your hands under your chair.
Name a shape and touch a shoe.
Put 7 fingers up, and give yourself bunny ears.
Give yourself a high five and put your hands in your pockets.
Touch something blue and do a dance move.
Draw a circle in the air and say your teacher's name.
Touch the door and name an ice cream flavor.
Do a jumping jack and name something that is loud.
Point to the garbage can and name a sea animal.
Touch your toes then sing happy birthday.
Close your eyes and name your favorite food.
Say a month and close your eyes.
Touch your shoulders and say a season.
Name a farm animal and put one hand over an ear.
Name something with wheels and hold your breath.
Put your hands under the table and name a color.
Cover your eyes and touch both knees.
Put your hands behind your back and cover your eyes.
Name a fruit and put your hands behind your back.
point to something red and put both hands on your head.
Hop on one foot and touch something soft.
Touch something black and hop on one foot.
Tickle your tummy and say the first letter of your name.
Count backwards from 3 and pat your back.
Stand on tip toes and say "hooray!"
Reach to the ceiling and stand on tiptoes.
Turn around and reach to the ceiling.
Pat your belly and turn around.
Touch your toes and pat your belly.
Jump up and down and touch your toes.
Growl like a bear and jump up and down 3 times.
Say your name and growl like a bear.
Stick out your tongue and say your name.
Stomp one foot and stick out your tongue.
Clap your hands and stomp one foot.
Touch your chin and clap your hands.