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CAE Phrasal Verbs

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Inma Eugenia was torn _______ the two options that were in front of her. Would she go to English class and become a successful, productive human OR would she stay home and take a siesta in her nice, warm, fluffy bed.......
You will certainly need to go to the doctor to sort _____ this problem as soon as possible. I don't think that you are supposed to be sprouting a third arm.
John Carlos was attempting to show _____ his amazing English skills to the gorgeous girl who was at the party. However, she was not impressed at all by his flawless ability to use phrasal verbs or his plethora of vocabulary
When I get older I want to settle _____ and have a nice family. Maybe we will even own a nice house in the suburbs with a huge backyard. on- over- with- down
The two teams found it impossible to set _____ their differences and work together. They couldn't get over the fact that one team liked Justin Bieber and the other one didn't.
One of the things that sets me ______ from other candidates is that I know the most phrasal verbs. None of the other people know as many phrasal verbs as I do and therefore I am the best. apart- away- out- from
My mom is someone that you can rely ____. She is always there when you need her.
The criminal was constantly plagued ______ his regrets from the past and fears for the future, especially as he lay awake on sleepless nights. He wished that he had never gotten involved with the puppy mafia
The government is starting to phase _____ the old skydiving program because it wasn't very successful and several people had terrible accidents. By this time next year, the program will no longer exist
Recently people are opting ______ robotic, glass eyes instead of traditional human eyes because they are so much more fashionable! to- on- for- by
Hey, stop messing ______ me and tell me the truth. I don't like it when you joke around all the time.
I couldn't quite make ______ the details on the ornamental vase. The room was poorly lit and I didn't have my glasses over- on- out- up
Ewwwwww.... I saw Nancy and Greg making ______ in the locker room. It looked like they were eating each others tongues.
In the next official meeting of the crazy clown coven, we will need to iron ______ the details of our ultimate clown takeover so that our plan is as successful as possible. over- away- on- out
I should definitely get rid _________ this old jumper. It's very old and has holes in it on-to-out-of
I don't get _____ well with my stepdad. He doesn't understand my sense of humor and I find him to get nauseatingly dull and disagreeable. on-about-over- up
If my dreams of becoming a baby diaper mogul don't work out, I can always fall _____ ______my teaching degree and become a teacher back on- on to- back to- down on
back on
Jose Peter was forced to drop ____ of school because his grades were awful and the teachers couldn't stand him anymore away-off-over-out
It suddenly dawned ______ me that next week is our last week of school! I didn't realize it until I looked at my calendar! for-in-on-for
The soldiers said that they were just carrying _____ orders and were therefore not responsible for their actions. on-in-out-away
The teacher was blown ________ by the exam results of her students. They all studied very hard and passed with flying colors!! up-away-out-on
I am bent ______ finishing my 50 page essay tonight. I will finish it even if it kills me! in-about-for-on
Pepita has always been drawn _______ languages. She finds them fascinating and can speak four of them fluently for-at-towards-to
You had better not back _____of your promise to me. I absolutely need your help and will be very upset. out-up-on-off
This movie is based ______ real events that happened 200 years ago on-about-in-for
There must be a masked murderer living in the park. How else can you account _____ all the strange deaths that have been happening recently? about-from-for-to
The mysterious disease completely wiped ________ the native population of spotted butterflies. down-out-off-away