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Level 1 Unit 5 Review: CC2F

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This number is smaller than 1. What is it?
It's 0!
You can put your jacket on with this. What is it?
It's a zipper!
You can eat this for breakfast. It is cold. What is it?
It's yogurt!
This bird flies at night. What is it?
It's an owl!
You can write in this book at school. What is it?
It's a notebook.
This animal lives in the water, and has four legs. What is it?
It's an otter!
This is a big bird. It cannot fly. What is it?
It's an ostrich!
What do you touch with?
I touch with my hands.
What do you smell with?
I smell with my nose.
What body part do you see with?
I see with my eyes.
What body part do you hear with?
I hear with my ears.
Is this a yurt or a house?
It's a yurt!
What's this animal?
It's a cat.
I give you English classes. Who am I?
It's a teacher!
I make music. Who am I?
It's a singer!
I make food. Who am I?
It's a chef!
I give food to people in the restaurant. Who am I?
It's a waiter! Or a waitress!
I make things, like buildings and schools. Who am I?
It's a builder.
I work in a hospital. I help sick people and doctors. Who is it?
It's a nurse!