Edit Game
TEENS Unit 4

Use commas to add multiple tags

 Private  Unlisted  Public

Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We've run out of milk so I guess we _____
will have to buy some when we go to the supermarket
can buy some at the supermarket
don't have to drink any
can makes pancakes today.
I _____ that book you wanted. I'm sorry.
wasn't able to find
could find
can't find
have to find
My brother is moving to Japan next week!
Can he speak Japanese?
Could he learn Japanese?
Can't he Japanese?
Does he has to speak Japanese?
I ______ the time because I had forgotten my watch.
couldn't tell
can't say
don't have to know
can eat
Name three things you don't have to do on an airplane.
Name three things you can do when you turn 18. (but you can't do them before turning 18)
Name three things you have to do while driving a car.
Name three things you can't do at school.
You ____ tennis shoes. Those trainers are OK.
don't have to wear
have to wear
can't use
can use
'What time ____ ?' - 'Ten minutes before the match at latest.'
do we have to arrive
does he has to arrive
can we arrive
can't they arrive
You ____ that! It's against the rules!
can't do
can do
have to do
don't have to do
The team _____ this match to be in the final.
have to win
has to do
don't have to lose
can't win
______ now? I want to finish the game.
Can we stop playing
Do we have to stop playing
We can stop playing
We don't have to stop playing
Of course they _____ . No problem
can go swimming
have to go to school
doesn't have to pay
can't go to McDonald's
You ____ for tickets today. Bring me the money tomorrow.
don't have to pay
doesn't have to go
have to pay
can go
We ____ to the gym because there's another class in it.
can't go
can go
have to go
don't have to go
You _____ skiing equipment because we can hire it from the ski school but every student ____ his / her own skiing goggles and warm gloves.
don't have to bring / has to buy
have to bring / don't have to buy
can bring / can't buy
The coach leaves the school at 6:30 AM. All students _____ at school 15 minutes before this time.
have to be
has to be
can be
don't have to be