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Switched on Science

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Mirrors reflect sound AND light
Where were mirrors first made?
What is a Telescope?
A tool to see something far away
A Kaleidoscope is
A toy that makes patterns using mirrors and coloured glass.
A toy that is dull and boring.
A type of light source.
A type of shadow.
True or False... A light ray is a straight line of line.
True or False.... Coating is NOT a covering that is applied to the surface of an object
False, it is a covering applied to the surface of an object.
Shadows are formed by dark light.
No! No light is dark!
Shadows are special reflections of objects.
No. They are caused when an object blocks light.
Shadows are not related to the object that causes them.
No. Every shadow must be cast by an object.
Opaque is
A material that allows NO light to pass through it.
A material that allows SOME light to pass through it.
A material that allows ALL light to pass through it.
A type of Mirror.
Translucent is
A material that allows SOME light to pass through it.
A material that allows ALL light to pass through it.
A material that allows NO light to pass through it.
a food Ms Cameron likes to eat.
Transparent is.....
A material that allows ALL light to pass through it.
A material that allows NO light to pass through it.
A material that allows Some light to pass through it.
the name of an imposter.
You can only see a shadow at night.
A shadow is a dark shape
All reflections in mirrors look lifelike.
No, Mirrors can make us look big, small or even wavy!
Bread is Shiny
Which of these have reflections?
What is an Explanation?
To explain something and make it clear.
This is a description: "The goo was green, slimy and sticky."
When I write something down this is called "observation"
A surface that reflects light is known as "shiny"
Something Dull is usually very reflective.
Water is a light source
A Mirror IS a reflective surface that bounces off light