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Phrasal verbs B2 for First Certificate

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Antonio's trying to _____ _____ the square root of 169.
work out
take after
came up
look out
We need to _____ _____ _____ an idea for Alba's birthday present.
come up with
get away with
catch up with
get out of
Inés has to _____ _____ _____ her homework. She hasn't done any for weeks!
catch up with
get out of
live up to
get away with
My mum has just _____ _____ a new challenge. She's going to climb Everest!
taken on
dropped out
handed back
pointed out
I just hope I can _____ _____ school and get to university.
get through
drop out
take on
hand back
I shouldn't keep _____ _____ studying my phrasal verbs. There are so many!!!
putting off
taking on
put off
took off
Everyone started crying when Nacho _____ _____ their essays and they saw their marks.
handed back
pointed out
took on
put off
Neal _____ _____ that we had 3 weeks to study for the exam, so we had no excuses for failing.
pointed out
dropped out
handed back
put off
I can't believe Pablo _____ _____ _____ cheating in the exam! He's so lucky!
got away with
caught up with
lived up to
put it off
It's difficult to _____ _____ _____ my parents' expectations. They're very demanding.
live up to
get up to
catch up to
catch up with
Alejandro tried to ____ _____ _____ writing the review by saying he had lots of exams.
get out of
get away with
get up to
put off with
My brother has failed all his exams at university. I think he's going to _____ _____.
drop out
drop in
give in
take part