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Cause and Effect

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe the image using a phrase of cause and result.
Mr Fluffkin's broken leg was a result of an unsuccessful attempt at Cat Parkour.
Rewrite it! Due to an increased workload this year, I will no longer be able to play in the football team.(*result*)
As a result of an increased workload....
Rewrite it! He resigned as he was stressed (*account*).
He resigned on account of stress (OR on account of being stressed)
Lack of energy in the morning can _______ not drinking enough coffee.
arise from
give rise to
rise to
arise for
Join the two phrases using the word in brackets: back pain/ bad posture (contribute)
Bad posture contributes to back pain.
Is it correct? Employee dissatisfaction consequences of low pay and poor working conditions.
Is it correct? Employee dissatisfaction is a consequence of low pay and poor working conditions.
Is it correct? Poor company security rises to possible loss of data.
Is it correct? Poor company security gives rise to possible loss of data.
Is it correct? Company restructuring leads to employees feel insecure.
Company restructuring leads to employees feeling insecure.
Is it correct? Training contributes a safer work environment.
Training contributes to a safer work environment.
Is it correct? Unreasonable demands from managers results unhappy employees.
Unreasonable demands from managers result in unhappy employees.
high/ increased/ lead/sales/sales/ targets/ to
High sales targets lead to increased sales
consequence/ management/ low/ of/ is/a/productivity/ poor
Low productivity is a consequence of poor management
communication/ foster/ good/ in/ offices/ open/ spaces
Open spaces in offices foster good communication
contributes/ feelings/ happiness/ of/ sunny/ to/ weather
Sunny weather contributes to feelings of happiness
you/ trust/ people/ makes/ honest/ being
Being honest makes people trust you
hard/ is/ of/ result/ success/ the/ work
Success is the result of hard work.
Join the two phrases using the word in brackets: lack of sleep/ poor work performance (cause)
Lack of sleep causes poor work performance.
Join the two phrases using the word in brackets: increased productivity/ regular breaks (results)
Increased productivity results from regular breaks.
Join the two phrases using the word in brackets: bad diet/ poor health (rise)
Bad diet gives rise to poor health.
The band's appearance in a Coca Cola advert ____ increased sales.
contributed to
was the result of
brought with
fostered to
Bonuses often ______ improved sales results.
arise from
bring about
are consequence of
contribute to
The failure of the business _________ bad management.
was a consequence of
caused by
was stemmed from
gave rise from
Bad weather usually _________ to work.
makes more people drive
arises from more people driving
owes to more people driving
brings more people to drive to work
Success _______ luck and hard work.
is the result of
leads to
results in
Too many meetings _____ motivation at work.
result from
give rise to