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Talk for A Minute About (Pokemon Version) - Conv ...

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Talk for a minute about what you did last night.
Example: I slept late last night because I had to finish all of my homework.
Talk for a minute about what you did yesterday.
Example: I attended a class yesterday. After that, I helped my mom to bake some cookies. Then we played some games too.
Talk for a minute about your plans tomorrow.
Example: I will stay at home tomorrow. Maybe I'll play with my mom or dad. I will also finish some of my homework tomorrow.
Talk for a minute about something that happened at school.
Example: Well, we had some quizzes and a lot of lessons at school. I felt a bit tired, but I'm okay.
Talk for a minute about how you're feeling right now.
Example: I'm alright. I think I'm just a bit busy today because I still have to finish my homework.
Talk for a minute about the things that you will do later.
Example: I am going to play with my mom and dad later. I will also watch my favorite show.
Talk for a minute about a superhero you would want to be and why.
Example: I want to be like Ironman. He has awesome powers and he is really smart!
Talk for a minute about an animal you would like to get as a pet and why.
Example: I think I would love to get a fish or maybe a hamster. They are both cute. I think I'll enjoy taking care of them.
Talk for a minute about the funniest thing that ever happened to you.
Example: I remember waking up late in the morning. I was so worried! I thought I was late for school, but I forgot it was a Saturday!
Talk for a minute about the things you enjoy doing with your family.
Example: I enjoy playing games with my family. I usually play with them on weekends.
Talk for a minute about a toy that you like.
Example: I like my new LEGO set. I can make a mansion with it. It has lots of parts and cool features!
Talk for a minute about the best gift that you ever received.
Example: One of the best gifts that I have received this year was my new Pokemon Game! I really love it. I like playing it with my family and friends.
Talk for a minute about what you want to be when you grow up.
Example: When I grow up, I want to be a policeman. I want to help people and catch the bad guys!
Talk for a minute about the coolest thing you’ve ever built.
Example: I have tried building a big LEGO gun! It looks cool, and I made it by myself.
Talk for a minute about the three wishes you want to come true.
Example: I wish I could get some new toys, save more money, and visit a great park!
Talk for a minute about the best holiday you have ever had.
Example: I think the best holiday I've had so far was last New Year's day. I enjoyed it a lot with my whole family.
Talk for a minute about your favorite song and why you like it.
Example: I like listening to "Dance Monkey". It sounds nice and energetic.
Talk for a minute about your favorite breakfast and why you like it.
Example: My favorite breakfast foods are cereals, sausages, and pancakes. I love their taste. They're delicious!
Talk for a minute about your favorite thing to do in the car.
Example: I usually sleep or listen to music. Sometimes, I play mobile games too.
Talk for a minute about your favorite game to play today.
Example: I enjoyed playing a game on Switch today. It's called Pokemon Legends Arceus! I love it!