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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the length of the pen?
About 5 cm
What is the length of the carrot?
9 cm
Which candle is the longest?
The third candle
Which tie is the shortest?
The first tie
Which log is the shortest?
The fourth log
Which pencil crayon is the shortest?
The second pencil crayon
Which leaf is the longest?
The second leaf
Which is heavier? A tomato or a sock?
Which is lighter? An envelope or a cookie?
Which is lighter? A boat or a teddy bear?
Teddy bear
Which is heavier? A strawberry or an eggplant?
The length is usually the longest side, while the width is the shortest side. What is the width of this suitcase?
5 cm
The length is usually the longest side, while the width is the shortest side. What is the length of this suitcase?
7 cm
The length is usually the longest side, while the width is the shortest side. What is the length of this notebook?
6 cm
The length is usually the longest side, while the width is the shortest side. What is the width of this notebook?
5 cm
What is the length of these scissors?
About 5 cm
How long is this crayon?
About 8 cm
What is the length of this shoe?
About 6 cm
What is the proper unit (centimetres or metres) for measuring the length of a guitar?
What is the proper unit (centimetres or metres) for measuring the length of a bus?
What is the proper unit (centimetres or metres) for measuring the length of a key?
What is the proper unit (centimetres or metres) for measuring the height of an ice cream sundae?