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English Grammar in Use - Unit 1 - Present Contin ...

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The weather ________________ (start) to improve. The rain stopped, and the wind isn't strong anymore.
The weather is starting to improve. The rain stopped, and the wind isn't strong anymore.
The cost of living _____________ (rise). Every year things are more expensive.
The cost of living is rising. Ever year things are more expensive.
The situation is already bad and it ______________ (get) worse.
It is getting worse.
The world _____________ (change). Things never stay the same.
The world is changing. Things never stay the same.
_____________________ (I / look) for Sophie. Do you know where she is?
I am looking for Sophie. Do you know where she is?
Tim ___________________ (work) today. He has the day off.
Tim is not working today. He has the day off.
__________________ (I / get) tired. I need a rest.
I am getting tired. I need a rest.
Paul and Sally had an argument. _________________ (they / speak) to each other.
They are not speaking to each other.
Andrew is having evening classes. ______________ (he / learn) Vietnamese.
He is learning Vietnamese.
I want to lose weight, so this week ______ (i / eat) lunch.
I want to lose weight, so this week I am not eating lunch.
Katie phoned me last night. She's on holiday in France. ______________ (she / have) a great time and doesn't want to come back.
She is having a great time and doesn't want to come back.
You can turn off the radio. ______________________ (I / listen) to it.
I am not listening to it.
________________________ to get bored with his job. (he / begin)
He is beginning to get bored with his job.
Yes, but __________________ his work right now. (he/not/enjoy)
He is not enjoying his work right now.
Not bad. It wasn't so god at first, but __________________ better now. (it/get)
It is getting better now.
Hi, Nicola. How ________________________? (your new job / go)
How is your new job going?
____________________? (he/enjoy)
Is he enjoying it?
_________________________? (what/he/study)
What is he studying?
Sentence 8 goes with letter...
c - We're going to get wet, it's starting to rain.
Sentence 7 goes with letter...
b - It isn't true what they said, they're lying.
Sentence 6 goes with letter...
h - Things are not so good at work, the company is losing money.
Sentence 5 goes with letter...
d - They don't need their car anymore, they're trying to sell it.
Sentence 4 goes with letter...
a - We need to leave soon, it's getting late.
Sentence 3 goes with letter...
g - I don't have anywhere to live right now, I'm looking for an apartment.
Sentence 2 goes with letter...
e - I need to eat something soon, I'm getting hungry.