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Present Simple - Negative Form

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I be
I'm not
The table be
The table isn't
The supermarket be
The supermarket isn't
Laptops be
Laptops aren't
Miss Jones be
Miss Jones isn't
The children be
The children aren't
The waiters be
The waiters aren't
Many people be
Many people aren't
David be
David isn't
Bill and Kate be
Bill and Kate aren't
We be
We aren't
Our dog be
Our dog isn't
They be
They aren't
He be
He isn't
It be
It isn't
She be
She isn't
Sue and Jill wear
Sue and Jill don't wear
You be
You aren't
I be
I'm not
Paul and Merry go
Paul and Merry don't go
Miss Jones teach
Miss Jones doesn't teach
David get up
David doesn't get up
Our dog like
Our dog doesn't like
Samantha work
Samantha doesn't work
They live
They don't live
Simon like
Simon doesn't like
Bill drive
Bill doesn't drive
We play
We don't play
Ben eat
Ben doesn't eat
They be late
They aren't late
Joanne get up
Joanne doesn't get up
I drink
I don't drink
The chef and the waiters go home
The chef and the waiters don't go home
Kate go to bed
Kate doesn't go to bed
Many people eat
Many people don't eat
The restaurant open
The restaurant doesn't open
The restaurant close
The restaurant doesn't close
He prepare
He doesn't prepare
They tidy
They don't tidy
The chef come
The chef doesn't come
The waiters arrive
The waiters don't arrive
She go
She doesn't go
They set
They don't set
Ten people work
Ten people don't work
This restaurant be
This restaurant isn't
Julia Thomas be
Julia Thomas isn't
Fiona like
Fiona doesn't like
Sarah go shopping
Sarah doesn't go shopping
Mother watch TV
Mother doesn't watch TV
John's father drive
John's father doesn't drive
She spend
She doesn't spend
Tom play
Tom doesn't play
They eat
They don't eat
Polar bears live
Polar bears don't live
Olivia like
Olivia doesn't like
It work
It doesn't work
She work
She doesn't work
They work
They don't work
You work
You don't work
Water boil
Water doesn't boil
He work
He doesn't work
Mike do
Mike doesn't do
Sally speak
Sally doesn't speak
Susan wash
Susan doesn't wash
Joe and Peter visit
Joe and Peter don't visit
Tony study
Tony doesn't study
Penguins live
Penguins don't live
We go
We don't go
Tina walk
Tina doesn't walk
I play
I don't play